Meyer Memorial Trust Award

I first heard John Kitzhaber speak about transforming the way we approach health care in the fall of 1989 at Emanuel Hospital in Portland. It wasn’t until October of 2005 that I had an opportunity to meet Governor Kitzhaber. As I learned about his ideas for...

Words Matter

Chris DeMars of the Northwest Health Foundation shared some recent research from Lake Research Partners, a firm hired by the Herndon Alliance to help them craft effective messages regarding health reform. These are the specific words and phrases that (based on this...

Next Steps

I am writing to share my thoughts on the recently adjourned Oregon legislative session as it relates to the Archimedes Movement, and to discuss where we go from here. When the Oregon Legislature refused to have a hearing on the amendments to the Archimedes...

Looking Forward

Now that the legislative session has adjourned I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your commitment and engagement over this past year and to try to put the session into perspective. I know that it was a disappointment that our SB 27...

Thoughts on Conversations

My son and I went to an event at Wieden and Kennedy on June 13th called “A Conversation About the War, Part 2”, a followup to an event W&K held four years earlier when the war started. Jelly Helm, who works for W&K (and had helped us with this...