Travis Stovall

Travis Stovall — Board Chair, We Can Do Better

Believe it or not, the national health care debate continues in Washington, DC, and at coffee shops and dinner tables around the nation. While a complete repeal of the federal bill is highly unlikely, some parts of the landmark bill may be changed when all the dust settles. Some of it is political posturing, but we all knew that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was step one, not the end game. We should not be surprised that it is facing challenges and changes.

We Can Do Better is keenly watching the entire discussion, reviewing the details and continuing to give input when possible. But this is only a small part of the greater conversation that needs to occur around true health care and health transformation.

We Can Do Better adds non-partisan and unbiased clarity to the discussion. We’ve set forth a set of principles that highlights the outcomes that what we, as Americans, want to see in our health system – focused on health and prevention, a system that ranks at the top of world health care quality, a system that gives Americans value for their dollars invested. As stated in our mission, this can only be accomplished when engaged citizens work together.

We need you. Become informed about the true state of health care here in the U.S. Actively encourage your personal network to become informed and engaged. And we need your financial support. As a monthly contributor you enable us to bring broad based unbiased information to more people, using web-based technology and getting on the road to communities across Oregon and the nation. Finally we need you to stand up and be heard as citizens, saying we support real health care transformation, knowing full well that change can be scary and uncomfortable. We have to transform in order to survive.

Thank you for being a member and becoming a monthly contributor to We Can Do Better. For example, a $5-per-month contribution will underwrite our email service for one month; $10 monthly covers two months. Please take the first step – donate now!

Travis Stovall
Chair, Board of Directors
We Can Do Better