NPR Reaches out to Facebook Users for Stories

Working with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health, NPR asked people on Facebook to share their experiences within the US health care system. Within 24 hours they had close to 1,000 stories. Anyone who wonders why we do the work we...

Childhood Obesity, “Adult-Onset” Diabetes and Oregon

Three articles appeared recently that shed more light on a disturbing trend. First, a New York Times editorial begins by reporting on how “adult-onset” (Type 2) diabetes is now increasingly common in kids: A study of diabetes in overweight and obese...

Going for a Walk!

Whether you watched The West Wing or not, this is a great video clip for Cast members reunited to to support the effort of walking 30 minutes a day. Watch the...

Defining the Essential Health Benefit

A new brief from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Health Affairs discusses the policy issues around the Essential Health Benefit benchmark flexibility for states and how that flexibility can be used to provide a benefit package that will be both affordable and...